Stand up for Macedonia – the perfect time to give back to your roots!

Dear Friend,

One week from today, we will mark 26 years of Macedonian independence.

Since 1991, Macedonia’s sovereignty and yearning for a democratic and peaceful future has been challenged at every opportunity from forces within and by Macedonia’s neighbors. In light of this constant reality, UMD’s work is crucial to the realization of the dreams of Macedonians around the world. We continue to strive for Macedonia’s freedom, human rights, right to self-determination, and stability – your support is fundamental to this endeavor.

Ever since 2004, UMD has been a fierce advocate for the global Macedonian community. To date, we have contributed $250,000+ to Macedonian cultural promotion, donated $200,000+ to children, senior citizens, and humanitarian relief efforts in Macedonia, awarded $60,000 in Bitove scholarships, organized 11 global and/or leadership conferences with 2,000+ delegates from 26 different countries, held 3,500+ public policy meetings to reiterate UMD’s policy of no name change and the importance of the Macedonian cause, and facilitated the forming of a Congressional Caucus on Macedonia and Macedonian-Americans, which now has 32 members and counting. Our accomplishments have only been possible with your generous support.

UMD has always been a proponent for dialogue even with those who refuse to recognize Macedonia’s right to exist. Yesterday’s meeting between Greece’s foreign minister Nikos Kotzias and Macedonia’s foreign minister Nikola Dimitrov to improve confidence-building measures represents a potential turning point.

However, UMD will continue to err on the side of caution. Time and again, the U.S. and its European NATO partners have promised to support Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic future, yet they allow Greece to continuously block our homeland’s progress despite the many concessions and compromises that Macedonians have made. Greece’s own lackluster human rights record towards the ethnic Macedonian minority within its borders further demonstrates its role as the main inhibitor to the Macedonian identity and its development.

UMD works to surmount these challenges on a daily basis and bring Macedonian concerns to the forefront of global political discourse – your support is the driving force behind our success and your renewed trust during September Membership Month will ensure this continues into the future.

Please click HERE to become a member or renew your annual membership commitment.

If you would like to deepen your partnership with UMD and our essential work for the Macedonian people, we invite you to learn more about the UMD Funding the Future Endowment, which is paving the way for our generations to come, please click HERE.

It cannot be understated how crucial your support is to the future socio-economic success of Macedonia. Make your voice heard. United, We Can!

Sincerely, and thank you from all of us at UMD,

Stojan Nikolov
UMD Chairman

Previous One Year After Devastating Floods in Macedonia – UMD Renovates Stajkovci Hospital


United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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